October 28, 2010

The Gypsy...

The only thing I say when I get those credit card/ insurance/ mobile offer/blah blah calls is, "Not interested." But I couldn't put down the phone this time. He was offering me another credit card I didn't need. But his, "Ma'am it's sales month end, can I please come today", and I couldn't just say, "Not interested"! :)

I have never done sales, nor do I think I ever can( and I always admire people who can), so I don't know their pain firsthand. But I do know someone who does this for a living, hopefully not for long, and somehow, I just couldn't cut the call. Weird.


Tachyoson said...

so did he show up? what'd you do next?

Sudeep said...

I did cold-calling for a few months and after that I never hang up on such calls, politely decline them.