October 03, 2010


I think I am hopelessly and irrevocably in love with men.

Dear October, it's all in your hands now. Be nice, please?

You know what I like about myself? That I can fool all these people who look at you and think they can guess where you come from. Well, you know what? No one, not one single person could ever tell which region I come from. Among other things, people have called me a UP'ite, a Keralite, Marwari, Christian, Punjabi (weird huh?) and most of the times, Bengali. And I love it when they go, "Oh you're not from the north?", the baffled look on their faces when I tell them they're wrong :)

I guess I like it cause I don't like when people read me so easily. And I have gone out of my way to cloak my real self in public. Sometimes to maintain an element of mystery and sometimes just to protect myself. Either way, I like :)

There's this friend who's crazily, atleast he says so, in love with his fiancée. Their wedding is scheduled sometime in December and from the looks of it, they seem like a happy couple. What I find interesting is that this guy is completely head over heels in love with Priyanka Chopra, the actress. And funny thing, his fiancée is complete opposite of Priyanka Chopra. She's quite healthy, and I am being nice here. Why I find this interesting is because I would never desire something and go for something opposite. I love smart men. If I look back, all guys I have loved and liked have been intelligent. Maybe weird, but definitely intelligent. I know I could never ever fall in love with a dumb or even an average smart guy. And I believe same holds true for most people. You don't lust after blue eyed women and marry an African. Or you don't desire a tall man and marry instead someone who is 4 feet short. Or you don't dream about big brown eyes and marry a Korean instead. 

I am not saying he should marry a Priyanka Chopra lookalike. But if he lusts after her sexy curves, how does he find someone with no curves sexy? I am not saying fat or healthy women are not sexy. I personally find healthy women sexier than thin, skinny ones. Some fat is necessary! But his case, I find it weird.


SwB said...

Well, there could be two possibilities: (1) He just wants a wife - a woman who will cook for him and satisfy his other needs. Any regular woman will do, while secretly (or openly in this case) he lusts for someone altogether the opposite. Most married men I know fall in this category.

(2) She has qualities he genuinely loves and that is why he is marrying her, but continues to have a harmless obsession for his beloved Piggy Chops. That can also happen.

But yes, not very healthy for a man to marry the exact opposite of the women he lusts after. There could be issues in the long run. That is if anybody even thinks of the long run anymore :)

Hope you are fine A.

teacup said...

@Swb, hmn...yea makes sense@1 and precisely why I find it weird.

Hope it's the second one though :) and am good, and you're back?

Dagny said...

Maybe he is aware of his limitations (i.e. physical appearance) and that he is (prolly) not exactly a Ranbir Kapoor to be able to get Priyanka Chopra to lust after him? ;)