March 01, 2011

A Rose By Any Other Name?

Okay, so you know what they say about women? That all of them, no matter how deeply they hate men, or marriage or kids, they all have already thought of their kid's names? Well,  I'd like to argue that I have already thought of names for my pets too. My fat lazy cat would be named Hippo/Garfield, if he's cute, fluffy little thing, then Candy. If she is a beautiful, mean, grey-eyed feline, Cleo. Dogs...I yet have to decide. I have christened my bike and car and soft toys too(sister's soft toys she left behind). So come on, it's absolutely irresistible not to think of names for your kids! I have been busy thinking of nick names for my nephew these days and let me tell you it has nothing to do with being a woman! Like really, I am the last person to have any maternal feelings! It's just convenience sake. Really.

Okay, so, now that that's out of the way, I already know what I'd name a boy, and I always wanted to name a girl baby "Dream", but since that sounds a little crazy, I have found the perfect name. Ruya. It's a Turkish name for dream:) Nice, yes? :)

1 comment:

Prasoon said...

thats a nice name. thank god you didn't chose the cliched 'sapna' here ;-)