September 04, 2010

Once Upon A Time In A Wardrobe...

For the first time in my life, I feel overwhelmed by all the clothes I have. Cleaning wardrobe has always been a therapeutic experience, but for the first time I want to cry. Piles and piles of unused, unnecessary clothes. What am I doing with my life?***

My teenage self would have orgasmed looking at all these shirts, skirts, dresses, scarves, bags, shoes...but at this point in life, I just feel burdened and guilty.

***I never thought clothes would ever elicit such a philosophical question. And it would have been funny, but right now, while I am sittting among mountains of clothes, wondering, what am I going to do now, yes,  it's not funny.

1 comment:

SwB said...

You could give them away. Do what my dad does: anything he hasn't worn in the last 6 months goes into the Give-away bin!