September 28, 2010

A Lily Pond...

It's amazing how things can seem simpler once the maelstrom of emotions within you has calmed down. It's true, the only thing worse than people not understanding you, is when you yourself don't understand you.

A little clarity will go a long long way.

There's so much baggage we carry all through life, that over the course of time it becomes a part of your daily existence. It becomes such an intrinsic part, that you don't even realise you're so many stones heavier, all thanks to the past you're carrying along with you.

Sometimes you do need to get lost so that you can find the way back to yourself.

And I do know that I'll get dirty again. Like a friend pointed out, with good-intentions. It's a cycle. I know I'll come back to this junction again where I'll find myself without a map and without a friend to help me along, but for now, let me enjoy being in my own skin. I can worry about being lost, when I come to it.

"Why did it happen?"

I have asked this question many many times. I don't have the answers, or rather, I don't know if they are the right answers. It doesn't matter. What matters in the end is that you loved.

1 comment:

Prasoon said...

Lovely. I couldn't have given any words to these thoughts but these are precisely what I've been going through as well.