October 14, 2010

An Empty Night...

I have started to believe that the only reason women get married is so that they can have someone permanent whom they can bitch and whine to about the day. And for that unparalleled pleasure, they will even take the trouble of making a delicious meal so that the husband just shuts up and eats and the woman gets her uninterrupted 1 hour to simply jabber.

I really do.

Cause anyone who has seen two girls talk at the end of the day will understand why we need men. It's really painful when she wants to tell you "you know, what happened to me today?" when you also want to tell her, "but wait, guess what happened to me today!" We need men. We do. They are such good (deaf) listeners, it's wonderful.

Diamonds are a girl's best friend. Dogs are a man's best friend. Now, who's the smarter sex?

I think men win this hands down. There simply can not be a comparison no? I have never had a pet-sometimes I wish I did-but even so, I have seen friends with their animals and the love these creatures have for us humans, there's no way a cold stone can replace the warmth of an animal's unconditional love.

A diamond's brilliance might you a high, but at the end of the day when you open that door and there's your pet wagging his tail, waiting to greet you, jumping all over you, licking you, or that cat who not  so clamorously demonstrates her love for you, maybe by quietly sitting next to you, rubbing her body against yours, you know if no one, you're wanted by these. And at the end of the day, you don't need bling and glitter, everyone needs to be feel loved and wanted.

Men got it right this one time.

October 13, 2010

Kill Joy...

Dear Diary,

Don't be shocked if one of these days I really just murder someone! Like slice open their body with a blunt knife, rip out their heart and tear out their intestines with my bare manicured hands!!!

Cause really, I need to stop being so sensitive. I mean the smallest and silliest things will make me cry. WHY? I was always a very sensitive person, but now, it is pissing me off. Big time.

Take today morning. I am riding to work and I see a herd of cows on the road. A very common sight in our country right? Nothing unusual. But then, a few meters away, I see another cow, limping. Way behind the herd, it poor thing was limping, and I cried. I mean how can the rest of the cows be mean enough to leave the poor injured cow behind?! Why can't they all match their pace with the poor cow?

Then this video made me cry!

I had to sit myself down and talk to myself and make myself understand that there was nothing, remotely nothing, in that video that warranted tears. And I was like, but those poor kids! They are so smart! And this is so awesome! In 10 years, we'll have a whole new world of educated kids...and I am overwhelmed with happiness and the tears start to flow again.

And it's not even that time of the month when I cry just because my hormones are screwed up.

No no no! I want to be all bitchy and heartless. I am tired of this crying!!!!!! I want to stop being so freaking sensitive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I know what my problem is. You know these days I am always talking to G and like I said before, she's one sweet girl. She wouldn't harm a fly even and I am all nice these days thanks to her. I go to the Gurudwara with her, almost daily, and I pray and I behave like a good girl. But dear god! I miss bitching! And I miss making fun of people! And I miss being snobbish. Gawwwwwwwd! I miss it!


You know Dear Diary, being nice is tough. Very very tough. Don't try it. 

October 09, 2010


A Ransomed Love...

Garima and I had just met. It was our first year in engineering and we were roommates. For a few months we were staying in a facility outside the college premises and I remember walking down the road late in the evening, I think we were going for dinner, talking about men and romance novels. I sighed and oohed, at 18 I used to naively dream about prince charmings and perfect men.

Garima, never the one to shy away from pointing out when I am being stupid, said, "Why would a perfect guy fall in love with you? Are you perfect?"

And I remember saying something like, "I know. Why would he indeed? I am not perfect, far from it, but I am trying." Naive again, yes?

At 26, I know this much. There is no perfect someone and that I can not be perfect, that I will never be perfect. I am flawed and will remain so. I don't want a prince charming either.

What I am looking for is someone who has the same bunch of dreams as I do. Life would be perfect then (erm, I am still hankering after perfect).

And I do realize that it would be easier to find prince charming instead.

Recipe For A Disaster...

He was the centre of the room. Laughing. Joking. Talking. Surrounded by women.

She found him sexy. She could barely keep her hands to herself.

He turned towards her and asked her, "So, what's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?"

"I sat on a camel once", She said.

They saw each other every morning. She always came early to office. He made sure he was there before her, just to get a glimpse of her.

She was wearing a green salwar today. Black bindi, her shoulder length hair tied in a ponytail, with a few wisps framing her face. Red lips and kajal. 

It was all he could do. Stare at her till she got uncomfortable and increased her pace. 

One day he would marry her he thought.

One day she would complain about him to the head of security she thought.

He was lonely. She was lost. They should have met. They never did. She never found her way to him and he settled for someone else. 

The whole town was in darkness and it was pouring cats and dogs. She left the house without a trench coat or an umbrella. She wouldn't need those things where she was going. Dressed in all black, she stood on lane no.55. waiting for her fate. A speedy car crashed into her. They died on the spot. 

He sat on the wall waiting for her to come. She had promised she'd be there by  5 p.m. He knew she was late and that he should probably go now. He had anyway waited long. But he was not the one to give up so easily. He would wait for another 10 years.

"Why are you speaking to me! Why are you telling me all these things!" she screamed, "Don't you understand I am deaf?"

"Yes, and when will you realize," he yelled, "that I am not speaking to you?"

Theirs was a marriage. 

They met through common friends. She was lonely. He was desperate.

She liked him. He just needed someone, anyone.

He was the devil in disguise.

She thought he was god-sent.

October 08, 2010

Lemon Drop...

What a darling dress this! Lemon and Orange print, what a wonderful idea! All you need is a wide brimmed straw hat and you're ready to conquer summer!

October 05, 2010

A Christmas Thing...

If you love someone, the best way to appreciate them is to picture your life ahead with them.