February 04, 2011

On Love...

"Love should bring joy, it should grant a person peace, but here and not, it was bringing only pain."

Love has always brought me pain. And I realise, it is because I have always been running away from it. I've been thinking about a lot of things in the past few months, and feeling depressed about a lot more. There's comes a time when you need to stop moping and evaluate your choices, yourself.

I've tried to be honest here and I will try to be in the future. But I promise I'll be honest, not only here, where I know few people read me and fewer still know me in "real" life, but I promise myself that I'll be honest, in the real life, about loving. I will love with complete abandon. I won't hold back. I won't run away. I won't hide. I'll love without the excess unnecessary baggage. Without brakes. Without thinking about the scars I wear. Without worrying about the future. Without worrying about getting hurt.

Anything else, I realise, is a travesty. A lie. It won't be easy(Even as I write this, a small voice mocks me), but I hope such a love won't suffocate you, won't suffocate me. That such a love is possible. And maybe, just maybe, such a love won't hurt.


WE- The Wanderers said...

i really love this thought of yours........

Acoustic Dreamer said...

Yes, it's possible...such a love :) Saying this from sheer experience. Before this, even I had abandoned all hope of finding it. Not to say that my current love-story doesn't have pain...in fact there's LOTS of it. But it's sweet. And more than anything else, it's true.
So well, have patience, it'll come to your door soon :)