December 08, 2012

A Short Guide To Being Pathetic

Caveat: Writing this at odd 2:30 am, expect a lot of ranting.

It's funny how you can still feel lonely even with a house full of people.

All right, if I am going to rant, let me get straight to it: I am not happy right now. Nothing more to say there. I don't know why things have to be so complicated, always, why can't for once there be no drama and life went on without any hiccups?

I hate fights. I am not like A, who can fight and then not speak for days with someone. I always had issues with not talking with loved ones. It just makes me feel...not complete. Not right. So while I sit in the living room, staring at the ceiling, I realised I am unhappy and bored of life. And I am hoping to spot a ghost or two today. That's the only way I can add some excitement back in my life.

What with the movie Talassh (which I found a huge letdown), I am hoping my unhappiness levels are high enough for a few good souls to drop by for a cuppa.

And then again, I have not felt this wrong or dissatisfied with my body ever. Not only have I gained considerable weight, just bordering on "fat", but also, I have been falling ill every week, without fail. Sometimes, it's your everyday flu, something it's Vertigo, sometimes it's gastroenteritis sometimes it's something else. It's like everything is crashing on my head and my body is crumbling under it.


Matrimony, a topic that has never gone down well with me, is looming larger these days. A little comfort that some of best friends are also unmarried yet, helps, but still, I need to take that step, what with the 28th approaching in 9 days and all that.


Sigh, so what do I need right now? A ghost or two maybe, but also some discipline in life. For a person like me who needs to have everything orderly around her, my life's in most disorderly state right now and I am not very pleased with myself. There are things that give me happiness and help me keep going, but still, I am tired of your same old.

I want to have experiences now. The other day we played Jenga at a friend's place and you know, after a long time I enjoyed something. I screamed and laughed and got excited about something, even if it was just removing a piece of wooden block from a stack, and a bit drunk too. But I did.

That made me realise that we, as a generation, have forgotten the good old ways of having fun. These days all people do is either go to malls and spend the entire day there, with kids and all. Or then go to same old clubs and drink and dance to vacuous music and get wasted. How else can we have fun? Why has life become suck a fucking bore? Or is it just me?

The other day the bored me was on the way to work and I passed a garden, shabbily kept garden, but anyone in Mumbai would appreciate that there is open space in the first place! Anyway, there were 13-14 year old kids playing blindman's  bluff(?), a sight I hadn't seen in years! Maybe as I am growing older I am regressing, but I want to have plain old fun. I used to be such a happy kid. What happened to that happy girl?

So, I want to have fun again, I want to feel alive again, I want to have experiences. I want to explore, I want to experiment, I want to learn and grow and laugh and discover, exhilarate and be thrilled and be amazed, hear sounds again and feel the colours pop. I want to listen and not just hear and I want to notice the details. And I want to look forward to living. I almost felt the old temptation of playing with knife and your wrist. Call me a coward, but sometimes you just don't want a break from life.

But no, I am not giving up, I am going to have goals and not just spend day after day doing nothing. I am going to paint again. And cook. I used to take pride in my cooking and it used to bring me such joy, I realise I have not cooked in months, in fact, I have not cooked since I shifted to Mumbai. And I am going to go out and meet new people and be sassy and fun and not a wimp or a needy little girl. And I am going to put things in the right box, cause that makes me happy, that brings peace to my mind, knowing there's order in my life. It makes me, perhaps, feel like I have some control on the way things are in my life and right now, it feels like I am just flowing with where the current takes me.

Everyday I look in the mirror, I am saddened, this person I have become, this is not me. I was never like this. I was so proud of myself, now I am full of excuses. I am tired of begging for scraps. I am tired of chasing and wanting. And I am tired of being disappointed. Of myself.

So it's December, my favourite month of the year and I have a plan. And I am going to make sure this plan does not remain just a plan. And so, if not ghosts, will Santa please show up?

October 17, 2012


*28 approaching soon. "What kind of woman do you want to be?", a question that has been on my mind for some time. Jittery.

 *For the first time in my life I am actually overweight. Super sad.

* Some people, some friends are indeed for life. I am so glad you're still here, somewhere, even if not fully there.

* Surprised how some memories are still so shockingly alive.

* I don't have much to say actually, but after a long time, I just felt like coming in here, sit in these warm, musty rooms with these old familiar walls, feel the rounded corners, run my hand over the dusty furniture. Let words drown everything. Maybe, just a place where I could feel warm and familiar today.

* The girl with rainbow of emotions.


August 25, 2012

Deep Dish...

I am busy trying to get that damned mojo back. In the mean time, take a gander at the archives if you miss me :)

June 23, 2012

How To Make Love Stay...

Who knows how to make love stay?

1. Tell love you are going to Junior's Deli on Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn to pick up a cheesecake, and if loves stays, it can have half. It will stay.

 2. Tell love you want a momento of it and obtain a lock of its hair. Burn the hair in a dime-store incense burner with yin/yang symbols on three sides. Face southwest. Talk fast over the burning hair in a convincingly exotic language. Remove the ashes of the burnt hair and use them to paint a moustache on your face. Find love. Tell it you are someone new. It will stay.

 3. Wake love up in the middle of the night. Tell it the world is on fire. Dash to the bedroom window and pee out of it. Casually return to bed and assure love that everything is going to be all right. Fall asleep. Love will be there in the morning. ― Tom Robbins

I love this guy! :)

June 14, 2012

The Red Balloon...

June 13, 2012

Never Too Far From Crisis...

Officially changing my first name to "Drama".

Miss. Drama.

Suggestions for middle name?

June 09, 2012

A Void...

On days like these, nothing happens. I wake up late today, really late into the day, eat yesterday's dinner for lunch and begin watching a movie only to close the laptop five minutes later and nap again. I wake up and make some ginger chai and watch the 5pm sun shine on freshly washed green trees. It's a beautiful evening, but still, it feels like nothing's happening. I read. I realised I haven't read in the longest time. I read about baby carrots and how memories are really not that genuine, I read about the surfer boys in Puri and the poetic Mughal emperor who died in a foreign country. But still, time seems still. I make another pot of chai. I take the longest time to wash my hair today and now my hair smells of the Chinese shampoo. I make another cup of chai and google train schedule between Mumbai and Jammu. Did you know it takes 30 hours to travel from Mumbai to Jammu? I thought it would take a hell lot more. I salivate at all those awesome bags and shoes and dresses online. I don't buy anything, close the broswer and think about what I'd instead be doing right now. Nothing, it still feels like nothing's happening, time just doesn't seem to move. I get up and make dinner. I eat it alone. I read about emerging markets and paper clips. I decide to call it a day.