December 05, 2010

Mori Araj Suno...

Can We Have A Pillow Fight?

If I count all the weddings I need to attend this December, December 2010, the count would probably cross 20. Not a surprise really, we are 27 already. I don't squeal with happiness when a girlfriend tells me she's getting married or act surprised when a guy friend says he's hitched. Marriage is now a fact of life. And every time I look at their pictures, honeymoon pictures, Bangkok and Rajasthan and Kerala and Mauritius, a strange feeling takes over. That sunrise, those cocktail shrimps, those flowers, that white neatly tucked bed, those are not ordinary pictures. Those are once in a life moments. Moments they waited for all their life. We all do. And maybe it's the wait that renders them beautiful.

Sigh. It feels like it was only yesterday, when I was listening to yet another Bryan Adams "Everything I do" dedication at the school fĂȘte and giggling. And now, everyone I know is getting married. I try not to make a big deal out of it, but it is a big deal. We've come such a long long way.

I feel positively ancient today. And alone.


Will you dance with me
Take my hands and lead me,
With all my faults
In the ballroom waltz
That we might have done
Had we ever been young

It'll end in tears
But not for years
If you dance with me

Will you dance with me,
Me, with two left feet
You'd be showing me how
I'm no dancer now

But soon you and I
Could step into the sky
We'll go down in flames,
Of course, but love remains
If you dance with me

I'll make only sunny weather for you
The sky will be blue forever
I'll make only sunny weather for you
To keep me and you together

And you'll dance with me
In the rain, maybe
But we won't really mind
In the end we'll find
It was just a dance
And our little romance
It'll fall to dust
But only just
If you dance with me
It'll fall to dust
But only just
If you dance with me

December 04, 2010

A Hopeless Love...

Her beautiful eyes twinkled in the starlight and her laughter sounded like little bells.
He looked at her small face, her beautiful smile and smiled at her silly joke.
He goes to the balls and soirees with her and he picks her up promptly at 6 and he stays sober through the night so he can be sane enough to drop her back home.
She wants to walk home today. "I love the weather today, don't you?" she asks him. He nods. "Let's walk today." He carries her shawl for her and holds her hand when her shoe heel gets stuck on the cobbled street and he carries her purse when she gets tired walking.

He goes to the balls with her, but he stands at the side and watches her dance merrily with other men. She's an amazing dancer, how gracefully she moves, how delicately. He dreams of a private performance but they never stand close enough. He's the patient listener when she tells him about the new love in her life and he's the convenient warm shoulder when the new man breaks her heart, one more, once again.

She kisses him on the cheek at the doorstep and thanks him as always. "You're so kind", she says today, "Why can't other men be like you?" And she's pouts and bids him goodnight and be gone. He stays back and breathes in her lingering perfume. He looks at the full moon today and wonders, why can't he be like other men?

He goes home alone, as always. Tonight he'll drown himself in his favourite tumbler, for tonight will be the worst. Tomorrow she's leaves town. Ofcourse he'll go see her off at the station and take a bunch of flowers along for her. He'll tell her how much he'll miss her at the parties and ask her to keep in touch. She'll laugh her tinkling laughter then nod earnestly and tell him she'll miss him as well. And he'll know that he'll never see her again.

Warm As Honey In The Sun...

A half full moon in Mexico City I think of you
And when I saw the Southern Cross I wished you had too
I wish my heart was as cold as the morning dew
But it's as warm as saxophones and honey in the sun for you

Oh, I've been spending half the year in a plane going up and down
And you've been seeing other people from a nearby town
Been obsessing and getting depressed about us
Excess baggage and other stupid band stuff

I wish my heart was cold but it's warmer than before
I wish my heart was as cold as the morning dew
But it's as warm as saxophones and honey in the sun for you

When you said the veins in my left hand were shaped like a tree
Was that the very last time you really looked at me
I'm in training to become as cold as ice
I'm determined to protect my feelings to disguise

When I said I didn't love you I told a lie
Because there is no one above you though I try
Would you laugh at the time I spent calling your name
Over and over and over and over again

I wish my heart was cold but it's warmer than before
I wish my heart was cold but it's warmer than before
I wish my heart was as cold as the morning dew
But it's as warm as saxophones and honey in the sun for you

The trouble is I got me close to hating me
And when I wake up in the morning it's your face I see
Oh, you once made me feel less afraid
You've got me pouring myself over this page

I wish my heart was cold but it's warmer than before
Ooh, I wish my heart was cold but it's warmer than before
I wish my heart was as cold as the morning dew
But it's as warm as saxophones and honey in the sun for you
I wish my heart was as cold as the morning dew
But it's as warm as saxophones and honey in the sun for you


Oh what a beautiful beautiful story!

The power of a compliment. So often we forget. A genuine "thank you" and "you look so nice today" and a smile? What power it holds! What a huge huge difference it can make to a person's life. We all need a little validation from time to time. That we are good, we are beautiful, that we are helping make someone's life better. Tell someone something nice today. Smile at someone. Make someone feel beautiful today.

And start with the people around you. Maybe your parents, your friends, your partner, your colleagues. Maybe even yourself.

Globe Trekker...

My favouritest theme song ever :)

December 02, 2010

Pink Pin Cushions...

So every time I have fever and cold and bad throat and all those horrible things that happen only to good people (like me), I feel the need to write something mind-bogglingly intelligent, incase I never wake up from the drugs-induced sleep, you know, leave a legacy behind and all that? Eh?

So right baby-cakes, what do you think of this brilliant idea of having moving roads? See? I told you, mind-bogglingly intelligent I promised.

Ooooh let me elaborate. So you see, instead of having people drive/ride on bridges, and add to the slow-moving monstrous traffic, we can have a section of road, that is narrow and prone to traffic jams, that ta-da moves! Like those moving walkways/sidewalks at airports? Like a treadmill, just instead for vehicles. Isn't it brilliant? No more pesky riders who overtake you and no more slow moving vehicles that block the entire narrow lane. Problem solved. The world will be a better place. There will be world peace and no more hungry kids and no more sad butterflies and the clams can go back to being all gay and merry and the sky can go back to being its original candy floss pink dream. La-la-la, happy world.

That said, I can go back to sleep now.