November 02, 2010

At Delhi Airport #1

Airports are a place for great meditation. Also good for studying human nature. Such wonderful insights.

October is over. You know what that means, don't you?

Kids in our country are treated like little kings and queens. One tantrum here and one whimper there and mummy-papa rush to pacify the kid. The kid ofcourse can have anything. Kids are luckiest people I tell you!

Punjabi people, my god, they love talking. Irritatingly so.

China copied the tubes from London and India(Delhi) from them both. Why am I not surprised? Even Delhi airport eerily reminded me of China airport. Where's the creativity dude? Soon we'll have same looking airports all over the world!

Important advice for females: Always wear flats when travelling. Your feet, babydoll, will thank you.

I have almost completely stopped wearing heels since the accident. Been almost 11 months now. Don't miss them as much as I thought I would. But you know, heels give you a kind of confidence, a certain edge. I mean, if you can manage to walk and look graceful with those pencil heels, you must be awesome, right?

But woman, do not slouch, please? That's sacrilege! Heels are supposed to make you look confident and hot and statuesque and graceful and all those wonderful things. Slouchy? Not! If you are going to drag your half-dead body around like that, just throw away those bloody heels already!

This is what I love about travel. It gives you a chance to meet new different people. People from all walks of life. Lovely.

Delhi women, they are hot. Not all ofcourse. But most women are hot. But the hot ones are hot only till they open their mouth and then damn! All hotness goes *poof*

If I was a guy I wouldn't marry a Delhi girl. I'd like to marry a Bangalore girl however. Or even a Mumbai girl.

Yes, I sometimes think about marrying women.

Delhi men, as expected, pointy shoes and gelled, almost ridiculously spiked hair. Meh. No like.

And will someone just slap these Delhi guys? They stare at you like their daddy dearest bought you from Razori garden solely for their viewing pleasure!

Someone needs to teach Delhi men, nay, all Indian men how to stare. We like you checking us out, but can't you be a bit classy about it? Huh?

Punjabi women I have realised are very hot when young. Beautiful flawless complexions, nice features and well-endowed bosoms. But good lord, they age so bad!

All those creamy lassis and butter naans and aloo kulchas seem to take toll post-marriage. Not hot.

Delhi at this time of the year made me feel like its national pastime is marriage and weddings. Everyone talks about weddings and jewellery and this and that. I agree, it's totally unfair of me to comment when I haven't even seen 1% of Delhi.

But when did I let that stop me from making biased uninformed ignorant remarks? Delhi is flashy and full of wannabe brides. There!

October 28, 2010

The Gypsy...

The only thing I say when I get those credit card/ insurance/ mobile offer/blah blah calls is, "Not interested." But I couldn't put down the phone this time. He was offering me another credit card I didn't need. But his, "Ma'am it's sales month end, can I please come today", and I couldn't just say, "Not interested"! :)

I have never done sales, nor do I think I ever can( and I always admire people who can), so I don't know their pain firsthand. But I do know someone who does this for a living, hopefully not for long, and somehow, I just couldn't cut the call. Weird.


Dear October,

How I love you! Muahh! You're the best! :)

Much love,

Her Man...

From the day she met him, she wanted to please him. What made her want to please him, she did not know. She didn't spend any time thinking about it either. All her energies were directed in finding out how she could please him. All she ever wanted was for him to think her as the best, brightest, most beautiful. She routinely dreamt of being handed some kind of award by him, something to show that he was happy with her. Most of the times it was a big bone, the likes of what Suzie had. She much envied Suzie for her bone, but Dolly knew she was close to being the best dog her master could have. And that she would have a bigger bone than Suzie did. One day.  

October 27, 2010


It's amazing how a simple hairband can make you feel good.

I should wear it more often.

I miss your childhood.

A Landscape Like None Other...

"For the special thrilling quality of their friendship was in their complete surrender. Like two open cities in the midst of some vast plain their two minds lay open to each other. And it wasn't as if he rode into hers like a conqueror, armed to the eyebrows and seeing nothing but a gay silken flutter--nor did she enter his like a queen walking on soft petals. No, they were eager, serious travellers, absorbed in understanding what was to be seen and discovering what was hidden--making the most of this extraordinary absolute chance which made it possible for him to be utterly truthful to her and for her to be utterly sincere with him." 
 Katherine Mansfield

"The mind I love must have wild places, a tangled orchard where dark damsons drop in the heavy grass, an overgrown little wood, the chance of a snake or two, a pool that nobody's fathomed the depth of, and paths threaded with flowers planted by the mind."
— Katherine Mansfield

"The pleasure of all reading is doubled when one lives with another who shares the same books." 
 Katherine Mansfield

Little Things...

A once asked me. I couldn't put it in words then. Here it is....

It's when their smallest and silliest things makes you smile in the middle of that boring office meeting, or even while you're walking to the garage. It's when the little things they do that gets you mad, their little habits drive you crazy. It's when you can argue your heart out with them. It's when you want to steal a kiss when they're sleeping, it's when you look at them and smile, unknowingly. It's when you find them adorable even when they're angry at you. It's when you can share anything with them without worrying if they'll misunderstand, when you want to share everything with them. When you want to know everything about them, even silly things, especially the silly things. It's when you want to hear all their stories. It's when you wrap them around your body and still feel like they are not close enough. It's when their little quirks will make you swoon. It's when you want to hold their hand when walking together, when you want to do big and small things that'll make them happy. It's when what makes them sad makes you sad too and it's when you imagine the joy on their face when you gift them something they badly wanted. When you plan your holidays with them in mind and it's when the world looks brighter and beautiful, the flowers colourful and sky exquisite. It's when the morning seems good to awaken to and it's when you're happy without any reason.

You know it's love.