I should be getting up, eat something, dress up...I have been dealing with it for hours now...but it doesn't seem to budge...like a pest, it annoyingly follows me every where I go...follows me like a shadow...fucking up my neatly lined brain on its way...I check the time again, I have to meet a friend in exactly an hour's time and knowing Mumbai traffic, I should be in an auto now...instead ...I am typing this...why?
I open Facebook, voyeurism is so common these days, we don't even blink before nosing our way into others' life. Lots of photos, people love posting their pics, I wonder why...what makes them want to put up their pics for one and all to see? Then there are updates about who's having lunch with whom...someone's put up a video of catwalk fails....there's dear D posting an article about injustice against women of Saudi Arabia...then music videos...all hip hop, trance, club...no one likes mellow songs these days? Maybe, they do, but are afraid to accept that they like meaningful songs? It's not cool to like slow sentimental songs, you're sissy if you do. Whatever. Who cares? I need a hatchet to drive this thing away, it's not going away. It is instead laughing at my silly attempt to ignore it.
I ask the friend if it's okay if I am late by an hour.
It wins, I give in.