March 08, 2011

Tall Shoes...

Real men don't need to bash/belittle other men to look good in front of the women.


Proud to be a woman :)

March 04, 2011

Very, Very Much...

Now I can say fuck you and sound all mellifluous.

Cleaning the room just became fun.


Life Inside A Book...

The problem with people like me is that we want to have a life worth talking about, but even more, worth writing about.
People like me, we look for beauty in even ordinary everyday actions, motions, gestures, expressions.
We want to romanticise everything.
Lead a significant, not rich, not powerful mind you, but meaningful, poetic life, beautiful life enough to be shot in slow motion.
We want to have a certain magic in everything in life, even when life plain sucks, we desperately search for something that'll save us.
People like me want to lead lives where even a simple thought like, Mrs.Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself, is worthy of being the opening lines of a wonderful book.
Like we need to wow ourselves. A tall order.
People like me don't want to waste life living ordinary, plain, simple, common. It's the biggest nightmare, of not making anything of your life.

And then when we don't find it, we become miserable and waste away. Waste the same life that we want to adorn with the finest jewels.

March 03, 2011

Where Angels Fear To Tread...

I can never understand how a guy can hit on a girl who is very good friends with his girlfriend. How he can be hopeful even! Like, baffles me. Do guys think all women are stupid enough to put up with such crap or easy enough to have a little thing on the side, without any complaint, cheerfully? 

UnJumble My World...

Mountains. Happiness. Blue Sky. Laughter. Yellow Butterflies. Free. Field of Red Poppies. Love. Flowing River. Dreams. Clouds. Possibilities. Fragrant Earth. Smiles. White. Hands. Ribbons. Chase. Twinkling Eyes. Open. Heart. Rebirth. Song. Endless. Peace. Secrets. Checkered. Reach. Time. Warm. Wings. Soft. Golden. Morning. Circle. Kiss.

Happy Is As Happy Does...

We might think we can hide it from the world. Cover our imperfect lives with smart pleasant looking clothes, that we can hide our bitterness behind a bright smile, that we can blend in our tear stains with fresh makeup, but it's not so. Humans, much like dogs, can sniff it out in a second. The stench of our unhappy feelings will eventually rise through the fabrics of our bodies alerting passersby about our grief. And honestly, who wants to associate oneself with an unhappy person? Unless he/she is a good friend? Right? Yep. Don't think you can fool people by humming a tune when they walk just a little bit ahead of you to escape your grief laced breath. And don't blame the world.

Cruel. But true.