Showing posts with label random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random. Show all posts

February 04, 2012

Marge, This Is Magic!

Just what I needed to hear today!

Oh! The Places You'll Go!

All The Wonderful Places You'll Go! :)
And what a brilliant video! :)

January 21, 2012

Where's My Gaurdian Angel?

You want a job, a vacation, heath insurance, validation, a back rub, a scalp massage at the place where you get your haircut, people who are jealous of you, an ex who won’t stop texting you when they’re drunk, Twitter followers, happiness maybe sorta, someone to buy you lunch at a fancy restaurant, a mentor who can tell you what the hell to do with your life, a reliable internet connection, a reliable human connection, a gift card to the grocery store, dinner parties with friends where everyone will pretend to have their crap together for just one night, a nice flirty text message to wake up to every morning for the rest of your life, for everyone to like you even if you don’t like anyone, and one of those nights that doesn’t end till 9 AM and reminds you what it feels like to be young and alive. Oh, and $$$. That’s all. Think you can get that for me?
From ThoughtCatalog: What 20-somethings want.

And this is what the ones approaching 30 want:

You want a career that makes you feel like you're doing something good with your life, not just some job that pays your bills, something really meaningful. You want a great mentor who'll guide you how to make more money while having that mythical work-life balance. You want to come home to loved ones. You want a happy family, lots of cousins, aunts and uncles, nephews and nieces. You want a happy marriage. You want to stay close to your parents and be closer to your in-laws. You want a partner who accepts and understands you and loves you. You want friends to stay closer to you, or atleast one plane-hop away. You want vacations. And you want travel. You want time to read important books and cook your favourite meals and you want time to do nothing. You want to learn something new every month if not every week. You want to be able to save handsomely for your retirement. You want a healthy body, a clear mind, soft skin and a head full of glossy hair. You want drunken nights out with friends and you want get-togethers where conversations go on till 9AM. You want reliable human connection and someone who'll make you laugh. You want a pet. You want to have your act together and not need any validation from outside. You want lots of energy to do all those things, to keep everyone around you happy and work towards your own happiness. You want to feel that the past was good, but the future is going to be better.

That’s all. Think you can get that for me?

January 12, 2012

Extremely Loud...

What do women really want? I'll be damned if I know! Arghh!

January 05, 2012

Date A Guy...

Advice from a friend:

Date A Guy......who is one hundred per cent a man.
Razor sharp, funny, adventurous.

Needn’t be an MBA but an encyclopaedia on two feet. Then let him be a college dropout, even.
Date a guy who likes comics, glass bottles, tool kits and old furniture.
Date a guy who loves books, music and outdoors. In any order.

Date a guy who’d be the first to wake up to a trek, a match or your 5 am flight with the same attention.

Date a guy who has male friends worth a fight for and doting girl friends who have loved him at some point in time.

Date a guy who is not afraid to hitchhike or eat by the roadside. One who is physically fit and restless, mentally.
Date a guy with warm big hands that can cup your whole face. Who holds a degree beyond eggs in the kitchen and can cook up stories, on short notice, well, better than eggs.

Date a guy who will write, at least to you, without hesitation or an occasion.

Date a guy who will use humour, even in a fight. Who loves his parents and some bike. And who would then convince you to stand in the queue with him to book the classic edition of that bike. Just so you're there to see the grin on his face when he’s signed the cheque.

Date a guy who always has a plan. Someone who is forever game for a bet and a trip out of town. Someone who’d either break loose on the floor or continue hating it secretly, because you love to dance.

Date a guy who will fool you into believing that he has an interesting profession. Secret Agent, Vampire Slayer, Movie Maker, Star Gazer, even better.

Date a guy who is hard working, you might mistake him for being a workaholic but he has dreams beyond one lifetime. Date a guy who is ambitious, fierce, but not obvious.

Date a guy who’d treat a stranger well, even if your patience fails to.
Someone with steely convictions and self-imposed discipline on why bills must be paid before time.

Date a guy who can’t sing, but sounds like the best thing on phone after you’ve switched off the mid night radio.

Date a guy who has a heart and often thinks with it. Date a guy who’s not afraid to splurge even if it’s a strange antique mask that no one else bought at the flea market or a dusty old record at a garage sale. It may seem like a tad waste but he’d like you to like them and tell you how he wanted it, always.

Date a guy who is cute enough to lie about hating super models because they’re anorexic. And thinks you need to eat more even if you’re 10 pounds overweight and can’t fit into that skirt you wore on your first date. Date a guy who knows how to spoil you and when to scold you. One who is good at Math, loves History and can bug you all day with conspiracy theories.

Date a guy who will never have to fight with you for the remote because it’s easier for him to trick you into watching a documentary on something you couldn’t pronounce earlier. And you will.

Date a guy who is caring. One who never lets your friends’ glasses be empty or thinks they live too far to be dropped home.

Date a guy who loves dogs and never smells like one. One who has a bath in Aqua Di Gio. Most days when he can afford it or has the time. That’s his way of staying with you, long after he’s gone.

Date a guy who has MPD, preferably. Why should you wish for the same day, every day?

Date a guy who knows his medium rare from well done. And can tell Rock salt from Black salt. Date someone who knows his single malt and even though he doesn’t like wine, will at least fake it in good taste. Be sure, he’d tell you later anyway.

Date a guy who is flirtatious. Till late 50s. Who knows when to hand a towel and knows that sex can actually, cure headaches. Date a guy with a touch that wraps you like lamb wool in wet Augusts and tastes like a loaf of freshly baked whole wheat bread. Date a guy who always complains that you never kiss enough and one who loves PDA. Even if it wasn’t meant to freak out the 4 year old and her mother, at the airport lounge the other day.

Date a guy who is honest about his feelings. Let him make fun of your relatives, soon enough you’ll find yourself laughing, because that’s exactly he was at.

Date a guy who grows every year but refuses to age.

Date a guy who knows how to invest money and pick a nice movie for an afternoon of nothing. Date a guy who likes clothes and surprises. Someone who keeps words like effort and imperfections outside his closet.

Date a guy who is 100% himself, before he’s into you.

Date a guy who knows how to make a random game out of tissues in a café or a lasting memory out of some dull terrace light.

Date a guy who is worth picking up after a party, every single night.

December 29, 2011

Barely There...

Yes yes I am alive. Old, but alive.

November 18, 2011

All Happy Souls...

I should have been born up in the hills somewhere, where there's wild grass and wild flowers, wind and blue skies. I should have been born in such a place and stayed there.

P.S: Maybe I just need a vacation.

P.S.S: Sorry for all sappy posts. Yes yes, I am going to blame it all on hormones. 

November 17, 2011


You know, I never realised how awesome it was to have you around in the same office at T. Everytime there was something I needed to talk about, all I had to do was get up and walk over to your desk and you were there. I still sometimes get up from my desk here and imagine walking to your desk, the one next to the cafeteria. I see you wearing your white woolen jacket and your black-rimmed funky specs. I imagine you looking up from your laptop at me, and I imagine saying, "Munira, guess what happened". I miss you. So damn much. Why did you have to get married? :( They say you're happier when you stay close to your friends. I am unhappy. Call me to the US too. I'll come.

November 16, 2011

The Short Version...

Bible, Kuran, Bhagvad Gita, Guru Granth Sahib.

Books are our Gods.

November 14, 2011

Save The Carrots For The Horses...

At times when you are faced with an uncontrollable desire to be close to someone else's skin, like when mine seems to forget how to breathe on its own from time to time, one will sit by oneself and often wonder, what can one do? At such times I have found a couple of things to help. These are after my own experiments and one must try, if they so choose to, at their own peril. Try this to begin with at first: Sit quietly in your closed room, and let the noise of the creaking fan drown your every thought, better than chanting om's, I assure you. But if you don't happen to be fortunate enough to have such an entertaining equipment at your immediate disposal, try reading. Politics, I have come to realise, helps immensely. And at times like the present, you will agree there be no dearth of reading material. But if you are not so inclined to reading politics, you might want to try astrophysics or interviews of famous personalities. But do not ever venture anywhere close to poetry or romantic literature. That-will-not-help. You will find yourself howling into the book even before you reach the third paragraph and who, honestly, wants to soil a pretty book of poems? No sir, you don't want to do that. Now, if you're no so much of a reading person, you might want to listen to music. Choose rock, heavy metal, and if you can stomach death metal, I'd suggest that too. Again, no jazz, no romantic music. But if in spite of chastising yourself a dozen times, you still gravitate toward those soft romantic numbers, another solution in the form of Orange Blossom could be tried. And while that fragrant amber liquid warms you inside out, you could gently nudge your mind into doing complex arithmetic. You might want to check how many sachets of Orange Blossom remain in the tin. Only 10?! Bad news, you must now ration out missing the person.

Oh wait, we are backing to missing then? Alright, try watching a funny video, a movie, maybe call a friend? And if all else fails, plumpling, pick up that damned phone and call that person who's causing so much misery. Do it. And then hear that person talk to you in the rudest fashion ever and as you struggle to get over the shock of those coarse words, ask yourself, do I still miss this person? I guarantee the answer will be a big fat NO.

Now, calm yourself down and make sure you don't leave any evidence behind. Gloves. And oh, you might want to double-check the carpets if any.

But if I were you, honeybunch, I wouldn't bother in the first place. 

November 08, 2011

A Mouse's Nest...

A room or two for our love and rest of the house for our differences. 

November 05, 2011


It has taken me 27 years to figure out what I really want in life.

Now to work toward achieving those things. 

November 02, 2011

The Promise Of More...

If it was not words, it had to be touch.

You can not love and do nothing about it.

Love, I have realised, can not be packaged into neat little word containers. It makes you want to spill inside the other person.

One day you're afraid and then the next you see love driving you on the unsteady bridge, the broken road, through the dark tunnel and you, for the first time, don't panic. You seem to accept the horror of it all. You know you'll be suffering, but you seem okay suffering. You even welcome it.

She didn't want wild things from it. She wanted, for the first time, simple, ordinary. She wanted to sit in a pub with him and drink beer. Be in the same room without the need to say anything to each other. Sit on the grass and eat sandwiches with him. She wanted to wake up in the mornings and not feel apologetic for being grouchy. Listen to music while doing your own thing. Share a library. Cook a simple meal together. Peaceful domesticity. It looked less scary, even desirable for the first time.

October 20, 2011

October 14, 2011

Broken Glass And Light...

Ask not "when will I find love?". Ask, instead, "when will I find someone who forgives me?" --Via Twitter

I think that's all you need to know about love. Ever.

October 06, 2011


‎"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important." --Steve Jobs

September 10, 2011

It's Easier Waiting Than...

I don't know if he has written to you after that. I sometimes imagine he did write you letters, many letters, but chickened out at the last minute and stowed them away in the bottom drawer where he also hides all those ghosts. You know what a chicken he is when it comes to these sort of things, don't you now? Maybe he even did send those letters to you and maybe they just got lost somewhere on the way. I am sure they'll reach you one day and you'll come running happily to me and read them aloud and we'll both smile and be happy for each other.

In the mean time, I know it's painful to wait, painful to check your mailbox everyday and not find anything in there, painful to hope when even hope has given up on you, but, won't you make yourself a nice hot cup of tea and just wait?

Maybe, maybe he's just waiting for the right words?

August 24, 2011

Hallway Mirrors...

In a strangers house, I turn the clock to 10 am, and I see her sip on cardamon tea by the frosted window pane, you sit on the couch, covered in green cashmere you look adorable, and you read her favourite book, you tell her about the cat who ate too many mice and died of hunger. She tells you how so many people die of happiness each year. You go back to your book later and she rinses her teacup with such love as if it were her own baby.

In a stranger's house, I walk downstairs and I see her sitting on the green grass under the warm sun. I see you plucking red flowers for her, only the reddest will do for her, she wears them in her pale hair. You both sit there on the green grass all morning getting up only to get a snack. She tells you she likes pickled tomatoes and you ignore her. You finish your beer and ask her to get you another. But she's too busy with her pickled tomatoes to listen to you now. So you both sit there all afternoon on a toasty summer day, breathing in each other's warm breath. You both glow of happiness, summer and maybe even love.

In a stranger's house, I open the window and I see the dark clouds enter your bedroom and I see you sprawled on the bed and I can hear her say how much she loves the orange and pink quilt her mom made for her when she was 8. You just nod your head and she takes the cue and tells you about her nightmare. You both cuddle without talking for hours and then she disappears under you.

In a stranger's house, I open the door and only empty walls greet me now.

August 17, 2011


Yes, like a ship just sunk inside my chest. 

July 31, 2011

Oohs and Moos...

Saturday was spent watching two alien movies-Smurfs and Cowboys & Aliens. Although the friend liked both, I liked neither, only because guys possess this awesome ability not to over-think, whereas I? I obsess about things that no one obsesses about. Like, why were smurfs so much like humans? Oh yea, so they had four fingers instead of five, yes, very wow, very original (clap clap)! Or then why did the aliens from some arbitrary planet look so much like humans? Only a grotesquer version. Watch these alien movies and you realise how unimaginative we humans really are. How shallow our creative abilities. How obsessed we are with our own image. How we have never really learnt to look beyond us, how we still think inside the box. I mean, seriously, if we can't even come up with decent monsters, what does that say about us? Our monsters and aliens drive the same machines, they desire the same things-gold, really? and they look pretty much like us humans-hands and feet and eyes and a brain and all that. Pfft!

Sorry for being such a nitpicker, but I am going to save my wow's for the real aliens.

P.S: If you must watch Cowboys & Aliens, watch it only for Daniel Craig. And then come back and tell me where I can find such a man. Not much fun being a woman these days I tell you. Deep sighs and a tub of icecream.

July 27, 2011

A Cheap & Easy Affair...

If tomorrow my kids ask me why I didn't marry that very rich and good-looking guy, I hope they'll understand when I tell them that he did not read. I hope they'll forgive.