August 31, 2010

A Fistful Of Dynamite...

I think deep down, we all are just truly optimistic.

No one is truly a pessimist. No one can be truly negative. 

No matter what, we get up everyday, and go about life, hoping things will be better today, tomorrow, day after tomorrow. Truly, what other reason do you have for going on with life? Life is hard. No one promised happiness on the day you were born. Infact if anything, they told you how life will be difficult but that you should not lose hope. Experience shows that really there's no guarantee that things will be better tomorrow than they are today. So why don't more people commit suicide? What other reason do people have to go on with life other than that tiny flicker of optimism that everything will turn all right?

It's not fear of death, let me tell you that. Suicide is easy. Very easy. When you truly want to end things, suicide becomes easy. And it's fascinating that compared to the hardships of life...death should look like a
good option...but it doesn't.

I wonder if someone who died at 45, ever thought that instead of living all these years, he should have just killed himself at 25 and saved all that trouble. I doubt. I think we humans are not only imbibed with optimism but also suffer from bad memory for our own benefit. Human race, how else do you explain? 


Anymouse said...

"Suicide is easy. Very easy" => Totally not! You have to reach that stage and try it to believe that it is not easy at all!

teacup said...

It becomes easy when you truly want to end things. But what stops us from reaching that stage? People kill themselves only when they become truly hopeless. And then it's easy. It's only hope that keeps us all going.