December 13, 2010


I oscillate between hope and despair the way only I can.

And I should totally write a book now-"How not to screw up at 26". I think there will be many takers, no?

Everybody telling me to get married because I am 26 now and time is slipping by, quit it. Cause I am not quitting on my dreams, however irrational they may be.

And if nothing, I can always be the favourite aunt your kids would visit during their summer holidays. I could read to them and tell them all sorts of wonderful stories, and I could bake the best chocolate cake for them and I could teach the girls to garden and knit and play the piano and I could teach the boys how to impress the ladies. See? Your kids will love me.

Erm, alright, maybe not.

There's no place harsher for a woman than women's loo. From the second she enters the loo, till the time she leaves, she is put under the microscope. Right from her hair to the colour of her toenail paint, everything is judged. She has no respite from the overcritical and unrelenting appraisal and the opinions that follow. Nothing is verbally said, not oh-so-loud atleast, but opinions are conveyed none the less.

I don't think two women staring into the same mirror can ever be friends. They'll smile at each other and chat about the latest mascara in the market, but as soon as one turns her back, the other will snigger. Ah, it is a bad bad place to be.

Funny then, that women should spend so much time in the loo.

And I find it funnier that men all the world will miss their breakfast or skip lunch and the woman will find herself forcing him to eat. "You didn't eat lunch?!" *gasp* "You must eat something now! Why can't you ever take care of your health! blah-blah-blah! You always skip your breakfast as well! some more blah-blah-blah". And the guy will simply say, "I didn't feel like eating/I didn't get time, was busy/ I picked up a coke on the way/Stop fussing", and then the woman will get furious and further insist he eat.

Yours truly has done it. Sometimes I cringe and sometimes I feel it's justified. And I find it hypocritical of me that although I, myself, have missed meals several times, on several occasions, the woman in me just can not see anyone else hungry.

But *sigh*, I need to stop mothering. If you don't want to eat, well, stay hungry, let's talk about sex instead.

December 12, 2010

The Bridges Of Life...

Most people love with their heart. I want to love with my mind, soul and heart.

I really want to go back to being 22 today. I don't think I have ever felt so desperate to bring the old days back. Ever.

I have always gone after the wrong things, wrong people. I have wasted all these years, chasing all the wrong things.

And it crushes me to know that.

I have always been a dreamer. I have always dreamt of another world that does not exist and I fear, never will.


When you have nothing, everything seems possible.

December 11, 2010

Polka Dots...

Jaan bhi lete ho aur zinda rahe yeh dua bhi karte ho. Kya hai tumhara pyaar aur kaisi tumhari nafrat!

In other news, lingerie brands in India need to do a fresh market research on what "women in India want". If anyone out there is listening: Hello, you all make crappy underwear.

Look, underwear with floral designs? Very nice, but we don't want crappy flowery designs. You know the big gaudy maroon flowers with blue leaves? Yes, please get new designers.

I can never understand why Indian lingerie brands, even some international brands selling in India, can never get lingerie/nightwear right. Really! How difficult must it be to design a sexy underwear or a cute pajama? Very, apparently.

P.S: Not all Indian women have heavy bottoms, you know what I mean? The pajamas in stores look like they were made for baby elephants.

Not A Cakewalk...

A couple a kids are playing football. One of them kicks the ball real hard and instead falls flat on his face, the balls goes off in some other direction, all other kids run behind the ball. The one that fell down, looks around, picks himself, dusts himself and runs behind the ball too. Like nothing happened. But something happened. He got a glimpse of what life ahead would be for him, a guy.

Imagine the same scenario with a bunch of girls instead. I can't stop laughing thinking how much fuss we girls would make if someone falls down. We'll forget the ball, and rush to pick her up, dust her up, check if she was badly bruised, comfort her, make appropriate noises if she voices her concerns about the "scars" and how unsightly it would look, and then maybe, resume the play. If nothing, we'll definitely not act like nothing happened. We're just not trained that way.

Guys I think are far better prepared for life, than girls. Punch a guy in the face and he'll do two things, he'll punch you back or then punch you back. Punch a girl, ha, that never happens. And when that does happen, she does not know what to do. Maybe go crying to dad, brother, guy friend or then boyfriend. Or cry about it with girlfriends.

What when she has no one to look after her? She's left clueless and bleeding.


So it would seem that Life does not trust my choices. It insists on holding my hand and leading me. I want to break free its clasp and walk my own way. It does not let me do so. So here we are, here on the street, warring, bickering, fighting like spouses in an abusive marriage. "Let go of me", I plead with Life. But Life? It has its own plans, it drags me through the dust, afraid to separate, it tells me to go take a hike, cause, Life my dear, has stopped listening to me.

Where are you taking me Life? Where?

PS: I have a new blog title! :)

Some More Snow...

Sometimes life will be such a super scheming bitch, you end up smiling. Well, good one, life. But I am not quitting just yet.